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Kabakova, Galina

Mythological dimension of daily meal (Russian peasant tradition)

The daily meal follows the principle of dualisme, which implies the invisible presence offorces of good and evil, as it is shown in the famous lubok print "The meal of the pious and the wicked". The image of Abraham’s hospitality is presented as a role model, and the meal of the wickedis its exact opposite replica, where a demon (instead of an angel) hides behind the backs of the guests.

If the main feature of holiday meal is the abundance of "rich" food (i.e. fatty food), ineveryday life, on the contrary, excessive consumption is perceived as a loss to household goods. It can either be attributed to individual needs of consumers, or to the intervention of evil forces. The strict etiquette of everyday meal is formed taking these forces into account.


Institut für Slawistik
Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 3
A-1090 Wien
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