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Kraveckij, Aleksandr

"Kolbasa" in Russian Nomocanons (Колбаса древнерусских кормчих)

The word "kolbasa" is used in Russian versions of Nomocanon book. It talks about the Canon LXVII of Quinisext Council which commands to abstain from blood of any animal, and the "food with blood" is called "kolbasa". The Canon LXVII is based on Leviticus 17:14, and the Hebrew word "kǒlbāśār" (כל-בשר) is used in this verse. It might be supposed that the Russian word "kolbasa" is coming from Hebrew, and its use in Nomocanon book illustrates the influence of Hebrew texts on Slavonic church literature.


Institut für Slawistik
Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 3
A-1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-42888
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